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Natural Awakenings Milwaukee Magazine

September 2024 Natural Awakenings Milwaukee Magazine

Aug 30, 2024 12:00AM ● By Jordan Peschek

September 2024 Natural Awakenings Milwaukee Magazine

Jordan Peschek, RN-BSN, Publisher

Some of my favorite words that I’ve shared in the past come to mind again this month regarding creativity:
As children, we turned sticks into swords and linens into forts. Sidewalks transformed into chalk masterpieces and sand grew into sandcastles. We amused ourselves for hours with imaginative play and yard games. It felt like fun, not work. In this ever-changing world, inspiring children to be creative helps foster adaptability, confidence and growth.

Creativity colors our world. It fuels innovation, inspires curiosity, drives connection. It also promotes healing.
Likewise, it is very powerful to express our creativity as adults. Creativity comes in many forms, of course: visual art, music, movement, dance, spoken and written words, and so forth. Whatever the medium, creativity can promote healing on both an individual and a community level.
On page 28, a local art therapist shares her perspective on how it can help many people process through trauma, cope with pain and other symptoms, and foster a sense value and belief in oneself and in others.

Art therapy is just one example of how we can honor our whole self. That is what this Mind, Body, Spirit issue is about. It focuses on Emotional Healing and Mental Wellness, which overlaps with our physical and spiritual selves. We look at mind-body healing strategies to work through trauma on page 24 and consider how we can encourage loved ones to explore holistic healing on page 30. Our Mind, Body, Spirit Directory, starting on page 31, highlights the multitude of wellness businesses which bring whole-body healing to our community. We are so grateful for their support of our mission and for their wellness wisdom. Perhaps this month is the time to reach out to a new resource and explore how they can help level up your mind, body and spirit.

Every one of us is capable of creativity. Read something new, reflect on some words that resonate with you, try a new recipe, take an art or yoga class. Listen to a different musical genre or take a walk in a new place. Try something new this month to honor your mind, body and spirit. Explore the novelty of new experiences.

Health is wealth.

Jordan Peschek, RN-BSN, Publisher