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Natural Awakenings Milwaukee Magazine

Kenosha Wellness Center Promotes Self-Massage Therapy for Pain Relief

Jun 01, 2024 12:00AM ● By Natural Awakenings Milwaukee

Tom Spiros

TPS Wellness, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, is revolutionizing the approach to pain management through self-massage therapy. Tom Spiros, owner, licensed massage therapist and self-therapy coach, has over 20 years of experience in bodywork therapy and focuses on empowering individuals to become their own therapists.

Spiros has authored several therapy books and developed tailored self-therapy programs. These programs are meticulously designed to address specific muscle groups responsible for a wide range of pain symptoms. By teaching effective techniques using specialized therapy tools, TPS Wellness ensures clients can treat themselves efficiently and independently.

Ideal for those suffering from conditions such as chronic pain, neck and back pain, fibromyalgia, TMJ, carpal tunnel, sciatica, joint pain, frozen shoulder, accident injury and various sports injuries, the programs offer a pathway to a pain-free lifestyle. “The right techniques and practices are essential for the muscles to release, relax and repair,” says Spiros, emphasizing the center’s commitment to practical, accessible self-care.

TPS Wellness provides the tools needed for effective self-treatment and helps clients foster a deeper understanding of body mechanics to enhance healing as well as prevent injury. Spiros champions the belief, “Information is power.” He invites everyone to embrace self-care and regain control over their health.

Located at 3904 Washington Rd, Kenosha, WI. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 773-441-0646 or visit