The Greener Guide: Enhancing Connection and Immunity Through Nature
Dec 30, 2024 12:00AM ● By Patti Beres
In a world where modern life often disconnects us, nature can help re-connect us through microbes. These tiny living things, including bacteria and viruses, are shared between all living things, every day, often without anyone realizing it.
Direct contact with others and environmental activities like gardening and hiking provide opportunities to share microbes, exposing us to the beneficial organisms that can strengthen our immune function, enhance our mental health, support digestion and nutrient absorption. Microbial exchanges show our connection to the world, sharing traces of who we are with each other and the earth. Yes indeed, we really are all connected!
Each kiss with a mom, pet with a dog or walk in the snow supports a healthy and diverse microbiome that promotes overall well-being and strengthens the connection between humans, animals and the environment.
Patti Beres is the owner of Be Green Pro, LLC, in Delafield. For info, call 262-361-4034 or visit
Direct contact with others and environmental activities like gardening and hiking provide opportunities to share microbes, exposing us to the beneficial organisms that can strengthen our immune function, enhance our mental health, support digestion and nutrient absorption. Microbial exchanges show our connection to the world, sharing traces of who we are with each other and the earth. Yes indeed, we really are all connected!
Each kiss with a mom, pet with a dog or walk in the snow supports a healthy and diverse microbiome that promotes overall well-being and strengthens the connection between humans, animals and the environment.