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Natural Awakenings Milwaukee Magazine

Beyond Massage: A Holistic Journey with Celestial Coaching & Bodywork

Sep 30, 2024 12:00AM ● By Jordan Peschek, RN-BSN

Erica Hodgson

“Would you rather pay for wellness, or for illness?” posits Erica Hodgson, a dedicated massage therapist, energy worker and transformational coach. She just celebrated the 15-year anniversary of her wellness practice, Celestial Coaching & Bodywork, in Brookfield, Wisconsin. Erica’s profound understanding of the human condition allows her to connect with clients on multiple levels—through touch, visualization and coaching—creating a uniquely holistic approach to wellness.

More than Massage Therapy

Erica’s philosophy is that pain often begins on a mental or emotional level, manifesting physically only when deeper issues go unaddressed. “My belief is that the mental, emotional level is where the pain starts,” Erica shares. “Because so many people aren’t necessarily tapped into that, it pops out in the physical, and the physical body is like, ‘Hello, we need you to look at this!’”

Her unique combination of bodywork and coaching enables clients to explore these deeper causes. Whether it’s chronic pain, emotional blockages or stress-related ailments, Erica has cultivated a method that tunes into what the body needs. Erica offers a range of bodywork services, including deep relaxation massage, orthopedic massage, intuitive bodywork and Reiki.

One of Erica’s proudest accomplishments is the way her clients experience deep and lasting results. Many who come in for a massage leave with more than they expected—clarity, emotional release and sometimes, complete relief from long-standing pain. “I’ve had people who have walked out pain-free after just one session, sometimes after living with pain for years,” she notes. “It doesn’t happen all the time, but what we uncover during the session can start them on a powerful journey of healing.”

Clients often describe their sessions as “the most relaxing yet energizing massage” they’ve ever had. Erica explains that this deep relaxation is possible because she tunes her nervous system to that of her clients, creating a space where energy can flow and heal naturally. She emphasizes that her clients are often ready to do the work before they even arrive: “Most of the people who come to me know they’re here for more than just a massage.”

Transformational Coaching, Retreats and Wellness Services

“My belief that people can heal themselves from within is absolute,” Erica says with conviction. “You don’t need a pill, and you don’t even need me—I’m just a guide for people who want a little hand-holding along the way.”

Her transformational coaching services help clients identify and address the emotional and mental causes of physical pain, providing not just relief but a pathway to sustained healing. For those seeking short-term guidance, she offers six-week deep-dive coaching packages. She provides six-month and year-long coaching tailored to help clients work through larger, more complex life challenges.

Erica also provides transformational retreats and workshops designed to help participants rejuvenate, rediscover balance and dive deeper into their personal healing journeys. Her upcoming Renew Your Spirit Retreat in February 2025 promises to be a life-changing experience for those looking to reconnect with their true selves.

Erica also offers infrared sauna packages, biomat sessions, and neurostimulation therapy using the Dolphin device, which works on scars and trauma to help clients release long-held physical and emotional pain.

A Journey Through Four Phases of Healing

Reflecting on her 15 years of practice, Erica describes her journey in four distinct phases. The first phase involved learning the basics of entrepreneurship and client interaction, but she soon realized there was more to healing than massage alone. In years 3 through 10, the second phase, she deepened her understanding of the body’s energetic patterns and studied all she could about Reiki and energy work.

The third phase was marked by a five-year stint working in hospice care, an experience that profoundly shaped Erica’s approach to healing. “Working with the dying taught me about presence and holding space. It’s a whole different level of presence when you’re with someone who’s at the end of life,” she says. “I learned so much about being in my own body, holding space, and allowing people to go through their experience without judgment.”

Now, as she enters phase four, Erica is combining all of these skills—energy work, coaching, bodywork and hospice wisdom—into a powerful healing practice. “This next phase is about bringing it all together and helping people transform in a much deeper way,” she shares.

Erica is excited for the future, knowing that her practice is poised to grow and help even more people. “If you’ve hit your tipping point of pain and you’re open to the possibilities of change, let’s talk about how to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be,” she invites.

Location: 675 N. Brookfield Rd., Ste. 101, Brookfield, Wisconsin. To connect with Erica or learn more about her services, visit or call 262-227-6548.