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Natural Awakenings Milwaukee Magazine

Play: The True Secret to Life

Jul 31, 2024 12:00AM ● By Ann Ruane

Photo by Trinity Kubassek for

I’m forever grateful to my Golden Retriever, Topaz, for being an instigator for play, even when I don’t initially feel like it. It always shifts my mood. He can even entice me into play when I have tears streaming down my cheeks. When play is over and things have quieted down, there is always more lightness in my heart and mind.

There will always be “one more thing” in front of us.

If we neglect the opportunity to pause, we are the ones who deal with the consequences, typically starting with our mental peace.

Play doesn’t need to be extensive nor does it have to look a certain way. The key aspect is laughter. Laughing is a powerful way to stay grounded in what is in front of us. Add some joy into every day. Life isn’t meant to be serious all the time.

Laugh. Play.

Take a moment to step away from the “one more thing.” You’ll be glad you did.

Be curious as to how you can add more play into each day.

Ann Ruane is a local Wisconsin author, pianist, composer and certified energy practitioner at Lux Eterna Healing. To see her inspirational books series, Fall in Love with the Whispers of your Heart, visit For more information, email [email protected].