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Natural Awakenings Milwaukee Magazine

Benefits of Myofascial Release for Posture, Pain Relief and General Physical Function

Jul 31, 2024 12:00AM ● By Jack Cincotta
Myofascial release, a simple yet effective manual therapy technique, has garnered attention for its numerous health benefits. This therapy involves massage and stretching techniques to help relieve pain and tightness in the myofascial tissues—the connective tissues that wrap around the muscles. This therapy, known as MFR for short, is helpful in addressing common physical ailments.

Many people today suffer from chronic pain, stiffness, poor range of motion and poor posture. These are often due to excessive time spent sitting, working on computers or phones, lack of movement, prior injury and stress. Myofascial release has been shown in numerous studies to reduce pain, improve range of motion and mobility, and support exercise performance and recovery. The benefits of MFR are increasingly sought after by individuals aiming to enhance their physical well-being.

 Jack Cincotta is a holistic health expert in Sullivan, Wisconsin, who helps clients with mental and emotional wellness as well as physical function and fitness. For information call 920-650-7674, email [email protected] or visit