Women in Wellness 2023: Meet Alysse Gear Jutrzonka of Blue Ribbon Organics
May 01, 2023 12:00AM ● By Natural Awakenings Milwaukee
“I’m motivated by: Helping to solve our culture’s problem with excessive waste by turning ‘trash’ into deep, dark, rich compost that is nothing but magical for our customers.”
Blue Ribbon Organics compost and raised-bed garden mix are our two flagship products, especially in spring. Now is the perfect time to get growing.
Blue Ribbon Organics compost and raised-bed garden mix are our two flagship products, especially in spring. Now is the perfect time to get growing.
Some of the best benefits of compost are healthier, happier, chemical-free gardens—all while reusing the food scraps and yard waste that are transformed into our nutrient-rich compost. It’s really encouraging to see growing evidence that the use of compost helps sequester carbon and fight climate change.
Some of the best benefits of compost are healthier, happier, chemical-free gardens—all while reusing the food scraps and yard waste that are transformed into our nutrient-rich compost. It’s really encouraging to see growing evidence that the use of compost helps sequester carbon and fight climate change.
My approach:
We take a personal approach 100 percent of the time in order to truly understand our customers’ needs and help meet them.
We take a personal approach 100 percent of the time in order to truly understand our customers’ needs and help meet them.
I’m motivated by:
Helping to solve our culture’s problem with excessive waste by turning “trash” into deep, dark, rich compost that is nothing but magical for our customers.
Helping to solve our culture’s problem with excessive waste by turning “trash” into deep, dark, rich compost that is nothing but magical for our customers.
Clients are inspired by me because:
Our garden blend has been used for several major community-led gardening projects that help people connect with others and their food source. This helps us all see the power of caring for the Earth and helping others connect with each another.
1137 27th St., Caledonia
Our garden blend has been used for several major community-led gardening projects that help people connect with others and their food source. This helps us all see the power of caring for the Earth and helping others connect with each another.
1137 27th St., Caledonia