November 2014 Publisher Letter
We often ask people whether they see life as a glass half full, or a glass half empty. I have always been the one to provide the surprising answer that I see life as a glass half empty, explaining my quirky view that the empty space is a place for growth and expansion and that if the glass is analogous with life, I hope to never completely fill it.
Recently, two significant relationships moved out of my life. The first was a close friendship of many years that I finally recognized as unsupportive and unhealthy. The second was a great love that was meant not for this lifetime, but perhaps for another.
I spent a quiet evening on the couch of my dear friend, Elizabeth, curled under a blanket and drinking a cup of soothing tea, as she listened to my story of loss and offered words of comfort and support. Later, I walked into her bathroom, and on the mirror, written in bright marker, was the message: “I am deeply grateful for all the love and abundance in my life. More please!” It was just the message I needed to brush away the tears and bring a smile to my face, because it reminded me to acknowledge and experience a deep sense of gratitude for all the blessings in my life, including the painful experiences that help me grow.
We want to hold on to people forever. But not every relationship is meant to last a lifetime. Some are just meant to move into and out of our lives for a brief period, to serve a specific life purpose. We fear letting go because we fear the void, but it is only then that we have space for something new to move in. Being able to let people go, while being grateful for the gift of the shared time together, is freeing and helps us to move forward.
As Don Miguel Ruiz so wisely advises in his book The Four Agreements, “Don’t take anything personally.” I am thankful to be at a point in my life where I know that disappointments from other people are not a reflection on my value or my worth. In the past, I would internalize rejection and disappointments, as many people do, and think that something was wrong with me. It has been quite empowering to be able to step back and realize that this is not the case. Rather, every person has their own journey, the path they must follow, their internal world that we can’t see, their own motivations and challenges. Recognizing that I am the source of my life experiences and not internalizing the actions and emotions of others has been an incredible and transformational experience for me.
This month, as we explore personal empowerment, I am beginning my journey by practicing deep gratitude.
With love and appreciation,
Gabriella Buchnik, Publisher