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Natural Awakenings Milwaukee Magazine

The Spirit’s Journey

May 01, 2013 02:37PM ● By Amy Wilinski

“It is only when we silent the blaring sounds of our daily existence that we can finally hear the whispers of truth that life reveals to us, as it stands knocking on the doorsteps of our hearts.” ~K.T. Jong

Across time, human beings have searched for the meaning of their life’s purpose on Earth. Oftentimes, that search leads spiritual seekers and masters alike to remote places, like stunning mountaintops, the solitude of the desert or a journey through time and space. Spiritual leaders such as Jesus, Moses, Mikao Usui (founder of Reiki) and St. Francis of Assisi have acknowledged the significance of taking the time to break free from everyday life and walk with Spirit. They valued reflecting and contemplating, communing with nature and delving into their own shadow lands.

In the Bible’s Gospel of St. Thomas, Jesus is quoted as saying, “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” The ego gives us reason to resist looking into our shadows—so much so that we sometimes allow these parts of ourselves to become disassociated from our soul. The ego is the part of each of us that fears change, whether positive or otherwise. Instead, we often continue unhealed patterns and project them onto others.

Embarking on a spiritual journey pushes us into places we have never dared to go. We find inner gifts, recognize the strengths and challenges that life has brought us and celebrate the opportunities that allow our soul the freedom to fly.

Consider the story of the Holy Grail as a metaphor for the spirit’s journey—the soul’s search for the sacred, or the deeper meaning of life. The Knights of the Round Table spent their lifetime searching for a sacred object. Perhaps our challenge is to find it within.

While it is possible to do this at home, most people find it hard to turn off outside distractions: the dayto-day events, drama and challenges. Some feel unworthy of taking time for themselves; they may feel that they are selfish or that they do not have enough time or money.

Taking a physical, spiritual journey offers us the opportunity to reconnect— with our own soul, with the forces of nature and with Spirit. It allows time for learning, releasing, self-awareness and deepening our connection with the Divine. It offers us the opportunity to shed the untruths we hold about ourselves and to remember the magnificence of our spirit and the gifts we hold within ourselves. Uninterrupted contemplation and reflection can be extremely empowering.

Taking spiritual journeys to sacred places, with a group or alone, can be instrumental in launching a beautiful unfolding. Organized group trips with a spiritual purpose often include healing ceremonies, meditations and opportunities for communing with nature.Amy Wilinski

Amy Wilinski is an energy practitioner and teacher of energy healing, intuition and shamanism who offers individual energy healing sessions and training in Reiki, shamanism, mediumship and intuition development. Her company, Golden Light Healing, leads annual spiritual journeys to sacred sites. For more information, call 920-609-8277 or visit