Meet Local Farmers at Urban Ecology Center Open House
The 10th annual Local Farmer Open House, hosted by the Urban Ecology Center, will take place from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., March 17. The annual event is a chance for the community to meet local farmers, learn more about their growing practices and then purchase products directly from them. It is also a good opportunity to ask about each farm’s community supported agriculture (CSA) program, because they vary in size, length of season, what’s included and delivery sites. CSA shares are an upfront investment in the growing season that entitles members to boxes of the farm’s produce throughout the growing season.
Workshops offered throughout the day include Introduction to CSAs; Cooking from Your CSA Box, with Chef Annie LeFort; and How Pesticides and Food Choices Affect Our Health and Water Quality, with Lynn Markham, of University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
“When you meet and talk with the farmers, you can ask them about their growing practices–how they handle fertility and pests,” says Community Program Coordinator Jamie Ferschinger. “When you partner with local farmers and businesses, you are helping to build a strong local food system that is good for our health, protects the well-being of the animals and land, and is fair to the farmers and other workers bringing us our food.”
Admission is free; lunch is available for purchase. Location: Urban Ecology Center, in Riverside Park, 1500 East Park Pl., Milwaukee. For more information, call 414-964-8505, ext. 114, email [email protected] or visit