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Natural Awakenings Milwaukee Magazine

Submissions Overview

Learn about our different types of content types for submission to our magazine. To find the best fit for you, your business, event or group needs, we have given a short description under each category. The submission page for each content type will have more information and an online form out to facilitate the process.

If you have any questions, feel free to Contact Us.
Phone: 262-623-7948

News briefs are 50 to 200 words. These “clips” of information, with a timely news hook, update readers on wellness and sustainability news, trends and events, and highlight updates on local organizations, businesses, practices and individuals. They include

Click here to view a larger image of the News Brief example taken from Natural Awakenings Milwaukee September 2022 Issue.

Health briefs are 100 to 250 words. These are “healthy tips” that cover findings from leading-edge research or a new health trend in a relevant field. They are informative, educational descriptions that briefly identify and address a health condition with a suggested approach or general type of treatment that might benefit readers. It can also focus on the benefits of a particular natural ingredient such as an herb, vitamin or mineral.

Click here to view a larger image of the Health Brief example taken from Natural Awakenings Milwaukee September 2022 Issue.

Business spotlight articles are 450-550 words. These profile a local business or practice, including the top benefits customers or patients can expect to gain when visiting the business or practice and the certifications/credentials, staff, services, products and equipment used in enhancing their health. This may include a brief history of how the business or practice got started and why, and what the business or practice has to offer the community in the near future.

Click here to view a larger image of the Business Spotlight example taken from Natural Awakenings Milwaukee September 2022 Issue.

Community Spotlight Submissions:
Community spotlight articles are 500 to 650 words. This article profiles a local entrepreneur, business, practitioner or another person of interest, including some personal perspective and biographical information exploring what they do and why. This may include a spiritual angle elaborating on the motives that drive them to contribute to the community.

A therapy spotlight is 450 to 550 words. This spotlight concentrates on a therapy, or combination of therapies you offer, not your whole business. Please include uses and benefits, where you learned the therapy, and why you recommend your services.

Click here to view a larger image of the Therapy Spotlight example taken from Natural Awakenings Milwaukee September 2022 Issue.

A product spotlight is 100-250 words. This spotlight concentrates on a product or service that will benefit our readers. They include the product's uses and benefits, the source of ingredients (when applicable), and why they are superior to similar products.

Print Directory Submissions:
The Community Resource Guide is a great reference tool for our loyal readers and the community at large. Organized by categories, readers can quickly find the product or service that meets their needs in our directory.
