Feb 05, 2016 09:42AM ● By Jamie Durner
Professional coaching is an ongoing relationship in which the coach partners with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.
Feb 05, 2016 09:42AM ● By Sheila Julson
Emily Yenor opened up her full time practice, 1212 Bodyworks, in November 2014, where she practices Muscle Activation Technique.
Feb 05, 2016 09:42AM
One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood. ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Jan 29, 2016 10:43AM ● By Julianne Hale
Children's developing bodies and minds respond to yoga on a deep level, both on and off the mat. Here is how kids can get started practicing yoga to reap the many health benefits.
Jan 29, 2016 10:43AM ● By Randy Kambic
It lacks the speed and intensity of downhill skiing, but that’s the charm of cross-country skiing for those that love quiet time in nature while losing weight and building muscle.
Jan 29, 2016 10:43AM ● By Sandra Murphy
Starting with a bird feeder, binoculars and app, we can thrill to the medley of birds in our backyards and wildlife refuges.
Jan 29, 2016 10:43AM ● By Judith Fertig
True friendships transcend age and time, come in many flavors and make for happy and healthy lives.
Jan 29, 2016 10:07AM
Babies up to toddler age had 46 percent fewer strep infections when their mothers regularly chewed xylitol gum.
Rutgers University researchers report that a compound in virgin olive oil killed cancer cells while sparing healthy cells.
British college students given a bifidobacterium probiotic for six weeks during stressful final exams had significantly fewer and less severe cases of cold and flu.
Toddlers that were joked around with and played “pretend” activities developed better interpersonal skills later in life.
People with a history of chronic bronchitis that routinely drank five or more high-fructose corn syrup sodas a week showed an 80 percent increase in bronchitis incidents.
People over 80 that ate more fish and veggies than meat had brain sizes equal to those five years younger.
The brand-new Levi’s Stadium is built with repurposed materials, has a green roof and solar panels, and is easily reached by bicycle paths and public transportation.
The world’s largest spice company has promised to make 80 percent of its herbs and spices both organic and non-GMO by 2016.
Responding to public sentiment, the Shrine Circus CEO has announced an end to acts by elephants, tigers and lions, which he states “are deserving of our respect and awe.”
Aspen is the third municipality in the country to shift entirely away from fossil fuels, thanks partly to price drops in renewables and government disincentives for coal.
Waste and debris pulled from the ocean, including plastic, yarn, fibers, and fishing nets, will be woven into some Adidas shoes this year.
Using morphed photographs of African and Asian faces, researchers have reduced the differentiating response of toddlers to foreign racial groups.
The website WXshift.org uses weather and climate data to forecast what the weather will be like in 2050.
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