Oct 31, 2022 08:30AM
Scientists have produced good-quality concrete in which all of the aggregate has been replaced with tire particles.
A new study shows that urban gardens and hydroponics can thrive and may exceed the yields of rural farms.
Facing threats from invasive pests, climate change and habitat loss, up to 135 tree species—about one-sixth of those found in the continental U.S.—could be lost forever.
Applied on top of existing asphalt pavement, cool pavement road treatment reflects heat, which is especially needed in heat island areas.
Sep 30, 2022 08:30AM
With almost 20 percent of sequoias destroyed by wildfire in the last two years, the U.S. Forest Service is speeding efforts to protect the giant ancient trees.
The World Weather Network is an international coalition of 28 arts organizations that believe artists and writers should be a larger part of the dialogue surrounding climate change.
Scientists have created a membrane using sunflower and peanut oilseed meal that shows potential as a cheap, sustainable and scalable method to decontaminate heavy metals from water.
The latest update to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species includes the migratory monarch butterfly.
Large mammals are important ecosystem engineers, shaping natural processes and sequestering carbon, and scientists are planning to reintroduce these animals to the wild.
Aug 31, 2022 08:30AM
The 2022 theme of the United Nations-sanctioned International Day of Peace, or World Peace Day, is “End racism. Build peace.”
Seattle City Light is installing electric vehicle chargers on utility poles as part of a transition to zero-emission electric transportation options.
Researchers studied the design of restaurant menus and how adding carbon labels indicating the greenhouse gas emissions per dish affected the choices people might make when dining out.
A rooftop solar array and solar panels on the sides will adorn an eight-story high-rise planned for West Melbourne, Australia, to provide the office building with most of its power.
Atlantic hurricanes pose risks to renewable energy wind turbines, and researchers are developing more resilient models inspired by palm trees.
The Western bumble bee, once easily spotted in California, could not be found in a recent survey led by the University of California-Riverside.
When pathogens in buried poop from campers and hikers leach into the soil, they can spread into waterways or become integrated into an ecosystem.
Jul 29, 2022 08:30AM
A recent report finds that environmental certification programs claiming to verify the sustainability of fashion brands facilitate “greenwashing” for the apparel industry.
Rural outmigration is leaving cropland abandoned, affording an opportunity for ecological restoration and carbon sequestration that could lead to a positive impact on the climate crisis.
Jul 29, 2022 08:30AM ● By Rachael Oppy
The Mata Atlantica is fighting for its life against overdevelopment, where deforestation surged 66 percent last year.
The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues called on governments, courts and UN agencies to implement mechanisms to support and protect Indigenous peoples’ lands and lives.
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