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Natural Awakenings Milwaukee Magazine

The Greener Guide to Lush Lawns and Landscapes

Feb 28, 2025 12:00AM ● By Natural Awakenings Milwaukee

Photo by Dianne for

Spring will soon breathe new life into landscapes. Seeding, sodding or renovating—both newly established and existing lawns—presents opportunities to enhance and beautify properties. These fresh lawns face unique challenges that require specialized care to ensure their success.

Here are a few tips for nurturing a lush, vibrant lawn from the ground up.

In new construction areas, the topsoil is often removed, leaving compacted subsoil that is poor in nutrients and restricts water retention and root growth. Enrich the soil by adding organic-based fertilizers and amendments that promote a biodynamic, living soil environment.

For sod lawns, integrating the sod’s roots into less-than-perfect soil is vital. Proper soil preparation, coupled with a customized watering regimen, helps sod overcome the shock of transplantation.

Seeded lawns, meanwhile, need a balanced environment of nutrients, moisture and care to encourage healthy germination and establishment.

Special attention to disease prevention is crucial for young lawns. Conditions like Pythium Blight, Brown Patch, and Snow Mold can take hold in stressed lawns but early identification and treatment can prevent these issues from becoming severe.

Ensuring a strong start for new lawns means more than just aesthetic appeal—it sets the stage for long-term health and sustainability, creating vibrant outdoor spaces for everyone to enjoy.

Patti Beres is the owner of Be Green Pro LLC, sustainable landscape services, in Delafield. For more info, call 262-361-4034 or visit