Opening New Chapters
Dec 31, 2024 08:27AM ● By Marlaina Donato
Diving into a new job, partnership or living situation might not be as scary as jumping into a fire or abyss, but fear of the unknown can certainly get a grip on us if we are not careful. Beginning anything new can feel unsettling, but with a little shift in mindset, anxiety can morph into genuine excitement. Whether taking piano lessons or trying a fitness class at the gym for the first time, we have one thing on our side: beginners have nothing to prove. Every master of their craft was once a novice, and remembering this can quell the ego’s impatience for perfection.
Curiosity, instead of fear, can become our internal navigation system, urging us forward as we turn a new corner or a new page. The month of January can bring expectations, fresh goals and, for the anxiety-prone, flashes of what-ifs. It is not easy approaching the unknown, even for the seasoned artist putting that first brushstroke onto a stark, white canvas. Tapping into our innate creativity helps us to see an open road of choices lying before us.
First steps can be shaky, but with a little purpose and fortitude, they become surer, even elegant. Martin Luther King, Jr. advised, “You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” When we feel snagged in a web of procrastination or hesitance, reviving our sense of wonderment and childlike innocence can disarm doubt. Despite our fears and uncertainties, we might even experience some levity in our pursuits.
Greeting the New Year
- Try a different ethnic restaurant.
- Visit an unexplored town.
- Start a conversation with a previously unknown neighbor.
- Begin wearing hats or another signature piece, and own a new style.
- Learn an interesting word every week, and use it in conversation.
- Investigate an intriguing culture.
- Enroll in a cooking class, or learn to bake bread.
- Take a screen break and pick out a new book at the library.
Marlaina Donato is an author of several books, a painter and a composer. Connect at
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