June 2022 Publisher Letter
Jun 01, 2022 12:00AM ● By Jordan Peschek
Publisher Jordan Peschek
A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing and the lawn mower is broken. ~James Dent
I love the above quote. Summer days are so refreshing—so sunny, warm and beautiful. On the days when rain falls or a storm rolls in, even these can evoke feelings of contentment, curiosity and inspiration, and they can serve as a reminder that there is something so much bigger than us that we need not take life too seriously. Sure, there’s often something awry in our lives—if it’s not a lawn mower, then it’s sure to be something else! That’s all part of this perfectly imperfect human existence. We fix one thing and another breaks. Two steps forward, one step back. However, when we look at the bigger picture, it’s clear that many of us have much to feel grateful for.Your friends at Natural Awakenings wish you all a vibrant and joyful summer season, full of festivities and visits with loved ones. How will you be spending it? Wisconsin offers beautiful biking and hiking trails for exploring the outdoors, and there are patios and picnics and beer gardens to enjoy. Add in farmers and makers markets, as well as music and the arts, and there are myriad ways to have fun while supporting our local community.
Take good care of yourself, enjoy the summer, and when your mower breaks…laugh and let the grass grow.
In health and happiness,
Jordan Peschek