Coaching Humans Back to Humanity: Local Undertaking Builds Global Inspiration
Nov 27, 2020 09:30AM ● By Jordan Peschek
Most of us can agree that 2020 has not fit the classic definition of easy. But even before the pandemic, our world has been out of balance.
According to the World Happiness Report, the strongest predictor for living happily is the quality of social relationships with others. Coaching Humans emphasizes this by sharing experiences and guidance on building relationships in order to serve a deep societal need which nurtures personal as well as collective growth. Here is one of the many narratives that have shaped the Global Vybe and the organization’s first book: A teenager shares her story which exemplifies the vybe of “perseverance.” It has been an inspiration to many, and it just might inspire you, too.
To learn more about the Global Vybe, sign up for their “good news” newsletter or submit a story for publication, visit or
A Local Teenager Shares Her Story of Perseverance

It is no surprise that childhood mental illness continues to escalate. In recent decades, children have been more focused on technology than on intuition, experiencing a decreased connection with the natural and encountering societal pressure to live a fast-paced lifestyle in order to climb the ladder of success. Increasing loneliness is seeping through the cracks like a draft of cold air through an unsealed window. The good news: It is never too late to show our children how to balance stress and invoke peace, love and connection in their lives. We can coach them to cope with the normal ebbs and flows of life, and to bring more love into the world instead of fear. The Global Vybe was created to help us do exactly that.
Creating the Global Vybe
The Global Vybe is an organization that strives to raise Earth’s vibration, or “vybe”, to one of shared humanity and love among us all. It was founded by Rachel DeRosa (under the pen name Rachel Callaray) of Erin, Wisconsin, who describes the Global Vybe as a resource for all humans to inspire love, learning and exploration of the question, “What does it mean to be human?” DeRosa has been seen as a role model in our local community for decades. In the field of pediatric medicine, she completed her bachelor’s degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and her Master of Science at the University of Colorado Health Sciences. DeRosa is a mother of two and for many years has mentored hundreds of children and young adults as a teacher at Erin Elementary School and as a cross-country coach at Hartford Union High School.
Coaching Humans Back to Humanity
In Part One of the Global Vybe’s first book, Coaching Humans Back to Humanity, “We provide a clear research-based explanation as to why adults must shift their parenting focus from an aggressive, competitive mindset to a peaceful reunion with our core humanity,” DeRosa explains. “Parents acquire a simple, six-step technique in which children learn to internally identify with ‘vybes’, or classic words of human goodness; emotionally initiate and sustain the relaxation response; and neuroplastically wire the individual to authentic self-fulfillment and happiness.”
After the short, research-based portion of the book, Coaching Humans Back to Humanity shares stories from children, men and women throughout our community which represent the vybes. These narratives come at a crucial point in history and represent such goals as: altruism, benevolence, integrity, humanitarianism, honoring one’s purpose, love and more. After each story, adult role models are then led through a “coaching session” that they can use with their children to practice their new technique.
Mental Health and the Importance of Connection
To learn more about the Global Vybe, sign up for their “good news” newsletter or submit a story for publication, visit or
Jordan Peschek is the publisher of and a writer for Natural Awakenings-Milwaukee.
A Local Teenager Shares Her Story of Perseverance

My first years of life started with many struggles. I never sat up as a baby. I never learned to crawl. I couldn’t do zippers or buttons. I wore a patch on my eye to strengthen my other eye. I never learned to ride a bike or use the dial on my school locker so I had to use a lock and key. I could go on and on about all the things my “issues” prevented me from doing. I was diagnosed with muscle weakness, and vision and motor planning deficits, so my mom put me in lessons as a form of therapy.
I never dreamed it would turn out this way, but here I am, barrel racing and competing with some of the best in this sport! Rodeos and barrel races are my life! I travel all over and get to run against some of the biggest and best trainers and professional barrel racers in the nation. Though nobody on either side of my family grew up in this sport or ever owned horses, I have won several buckles, saddles and prizes and some pretty good money. I have qualified for nationals on more than one association and have even obtained sponsorships over the past few years.
I know that I have been blessed with a gift to ride. I am competing in a sport that is filled with stereotypes and not represented enough with girls of color, and I am constantly told by others that they don’t know how I can ride like I do, given everything that I am faced with. All I know is that I feel at home when I ride and I will never use any of my “issues” as an excuse! I just know that I have to work harder and be fearless. My goal
is to earn a scholarship for barrel racing on a college rodeo team, and to continue to inspire others to chase after their dreams no matter what challenges they face. There’s still a lot of work to be done, and I’m just getting started.

My vybe is perseverance. I believe that I can do anything I set my mind to. While I know that my medical issues and their labels will always be a part of me, I don’t let them stand in my way, or let them define what I can or cannot do. In a sport filled with stereotypes, I refuse to believe that I don’t deserve to be in the same arena as anyone else just because of my color. Perseverance is all I know because I will never give up. I will always put in the work, and I will honor the blessing that I have received with my gift to ride!