Constructive Campaigning: Meditate the Vote Supports Political Sanity

The Meditate the Vote – the Real Conversation segment is the brainchild of the globally broadcast America Meditating radio show (, which features prominent thought leaders sharing methods for personal development.
In the midst of the 2016 election campaign, they ask people to step up the quality of citizen debate using Meditate the Vote questions to stimulate more intelligent and inclusive discussions via a variety of social media, including Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other outlets leading up to national election day on November 8.
Meditate the Vote does not endorse any candidate or political party. It’s a movement to socially engage all ages in a higher-quality and more cohesive way of working together. The Internet will be used to spread the word, with participants making videos in which they say, “I meditate the vote,” and why they do so, sharing feedback from their conversations.
A Pause for Peace app is available to access communications, meditations, videos and the America Meditating radio show. The program is also available on Blog Talk Radio, iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Aha Radio and the PlayerFM app.
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This article appears in the October 2016 issue of Natural Awakenings.