Holistic Care Clinic Incorporates Weight and Stress Management

Thurow Primary Preventive Healthcare, in Thiensville, has introduced First Line Therapy (FLT), a therapeutic lifestyle change program that targets weight management and chronic diseases of aging and utilizes the Nutri-Dyn line of supplements to maximize the benefits gained by the program.
The FLT program gives participants strategies to manage stress, control weight and improve health, as well as tools, including a guidebook, cookbook and customized supplement recommendations.
Nutri-Dyn offers a variety of supplements that comprise foundational nutrition (such as vitamin D3, omega-3 fish oils and B-complex vitamins), as well as targeted adrenal and thyroid support. The clinic also offers medical foods and the Dynamic Slender drink, a phytonutrient-packed beverage mix that helps with satiety and boosts the metabolism.
Thurow Primary Preventive Healthcare is an independent and locally owned primary care clinic for patients ages 16 and older, founded by Sharon Thurow, a registered nurse practitioner. The clinic offers holistic care with evidencebased treatment plans.
Location: 216 N. Green Bay Rd., Ste. 103, Thiensville. For more information, call 262-242-3966, email [email protected] or visit ThurowPrimary.com.