April 2013 Kudos

Dr. John Whitcomb
Dr. John Whitcomb, director of the Brookfield Longevity and Healthy Living Clinic, in Brookfield, is the first Wisconsin physician to receive a master’s degree in nutrition and metabolic medicine from the University of South Florida collaborative program with the American Academy of AntiAging Medicine (AAAAM). The University of South Florida is the country’s first medical school to offer the degree, which is designed to teach nutrition to physicians.
“It’s pretty clear that 75 percent of our illnesses are based on lifestyle behaviors,” says Whitcomb, who was previously board certified in anti-aging and regenerative medicine by the AAAAM. “Our current medical model waits until you fall off the cliff, then tries to snatch you back before you hit bottom, but it is much better to avoid the cliff,” he adds, explaining that physicians are not trained in how bodies manage food.
Whitcomb’s practice focuses on nutrition and metabolic medicine as they relate to obesity, hormones, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and cancer. He believes eating the right food and managing cancer with an integrative approach is the next frontier.
Location: 17585 W. North Ave., Brookfield. For more information, call 262-784-5300 or visit LiveLongMD.com.