Vegan Pre-Thanksgiving Feast and Fundraiser

Milwaukee Area Resources for Vegetarianism (MARV) will host its 18th annual Vegan Pre-Thanksgiving Feast, at 5:30 p.m., November 17, at North Shore Presbyterian Church, in Shorewood. Doors open at 5 p.m.
The event is MARV’s annual fundraiser, with all proceeds going to promote plant-based diets. MARV is a resource for anyone seeking to eat more plants and less animal foods, no matter the reason. Some people explore a plant-based diet hoping to become healthier; some are interested by compassion for animals; some heed the growing evidence of environmental destruction of livestock raising; and others note that more people can be fed from the same land on a plant-based diet than a meat-heavy one. Some attendees are long-term vegans, while others are just exploring the possibility of eating less meat. All are equally welcome to attend. Attendees that bring a dish to share are asked to donate $6 per adult and teen in their party and $3 for each child, ages 5 to 12; those not bringing food are asked for $13 per teen and adult and $6 per child; children under 5 are free. Preregistration is required.
Location: 4048 N. Bartlett. For more information, call 414-962-2703 or visit for a preregistration form.