Yoga for Cancer Survivors at Aurora West Medical Center

Lynn Andrews
A six-week session of Yoga for Survivors classes will run from 6 to 7 p.m., September 6 through October 11, at Aurora West Allis Medical Center. The classes will be taught by Lynn Andrews, an experienced specialist in yoga for cancer survivors. Yoga for Survivors was created to share the healing path of yoga by providing safe, accessible classes worldwide to survivors of any type of cancer, at any stage of recovery.
“Cancer patients that have participated in regular yoga classes report decreased stress and pain, increased well-being and improvements in their quality and quantity of sleep,” enthuses Andrews. “Yoga can help break down scar tissue, restore strength and range of motion and improve lymphatic flow, glandular function and digestion, joint health and circulation and respiration. Yoga is a great way to live more comfortably in your body when you have been diagnosed with cancer.”
Location: 8901 W. Lincoln Ave., West Allis. For more information, call 888-863-5502. To register, visit