Presentation on Integrative Medicine and Oncology

Integrative Medicine at Aurora Sinai Medical Center is hosting An Evening of Community Education, Integrative Medicine and Oncology, from 6 to 7 p.m., June 7. The event will feature a presentation by Donald I. Abrams, M.D., co-author of the new book, Integrative Oncology, written with Andrew Weil, M.D.
Abrams is an integrative medicine oncologist, based in San Francisco, who studies botanical therapies involving nutrition and cancer. He conducts clinical trials in integrative oncology, especially with medicinal mushrooms, Traditional Chinese Medicine interventions and massage. His presentation will discuss the benefits of acupuncture and nutrition within integrative oncology.
Books and healing gifts will be available for sale 30 minutes before and after the presentation. Guests can meet members of the integrative medicine team and learn about various aspects of integrative medicine and care, including acupuncture, nutrition, aromatherapy, guided imagery and massage/Reiki therapy. Light, healthful refreshments will be served.
Abrams’ Milwaukee visit is funded by the Aurora Health Care Foundation and the Aurora Sinai Medical Center. Contributions are appreciated and will be accepted at the event and online. The event is free, but registration is requested by June 4.
Location: Aurora Sinai Medical Center, Building A (Rapkin Auditorium, lower level), 950 N. 12th St., Milwaukee. For more information, call Jill Cruz at 414-219-7376, email [email protected] or visit