Ann Ruane in Concert
Celebrate the release of Ann's 2 newest CDs of original reflective solo piano music with a live performance!

Join Ann Ruane in an evening of solo piano music, celebrating the release of her two newest CDs: "Winter Wonder" and "Outside the Lines." She will share insights behind the music and invites you to be present in the magical stirrings of the music.
"Winter Wonder" embraces child-like wonder and awe of winter, stirring the imagination. It invites you to wander your own winterscape.
"Outside the Lines" nudges you to break out of routine and the mundane to see greater connection in a variety of ways, including nature. Allow the pieces to stir your own individuality, expression, and uniqueness. After all, living outside the lines is bigger than thinking outside the box!
Date & Time
Weekly on Saturday
Oct 18, 2024 through Oct 19, 2024
More Info
$15 per person
Concerts & Live Music LuxEternaHealing Solo Piano Music Live Concert CD Launch
Participating Businesses
Lux Eterna Healing