Sound Bath & Reiki Cacao Ceremony for the Heart
The Guild of Wellness, Casa Calm and Remedy Within join together in New Berlin, WI with a Sound Bath & Reiki Cacao Ceremony for the Heart

In celebration of Valentine's Day, this event honors all forms of love, and most importantly, SELF LOVE.
Join Tammi Kapitanski from Remedy Within where they offers crystals, massage, so so much more, along with Laurel from Ananda Healing Arts who is offering a Sound Bath and Cacao Ceremony for the Heart, and Leslie Coshun from Infinity Reiki who will provide Reiki healing during the sound bath, and Trish Beckman who founded Casa Calm and the Guild of Modern Wellness.
This is an evening you won't want to miss!
Date & Time
February 11, 2023
5:30PM - 7:30PM
More Info
Health & Wellness Milwaukee Reiki Sound Bath meditate guild of wellness Infinity Remedy within Cacao Ceremony guild of modern wellness Elm Grove
Participating Businesses
Casa Calm, Remedy Within Massage Therapy & Spiritual Gifts, Guild of Modern Wellness