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Natural Awakenings Milwaukee Magazine

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Jacqueline McVann

Growing Roots Wellness

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Jacqueline McVann

Growing Roots Wellness

Change your water, change your life!

Growing Roots Wellness is a small business on a mission to bring health into people's lives naturally, with water.

Every day, we concentrate on what types of foods we eat, the skin products we lather our bodies in, the mind exercises to begin rewiring, or even different exercises we utilize to create a healthy balance of movement in our lives. We focus so intently on mind, body, and soul practices, yet often overlook the most important component of optimal health and wellness. Water; it is the true foundation to a balanced, holistic self.

Our bodies are naturally made up of 72% water, making water an essential component for holistic health. With the rise of many illnesses and health conditions skyrocketing, due to toxins and contaminants in our environment, foods, and water sources, it’s no wonder why we are currently faced with the health crisis we are in. Our water has become a breeding ground for numerous dangerous toxins and contaminants, and we continue to consume the water from our local municipalities, which further leads to the body’s detriment.

So with this knowledge, how can we as a collective begin to restore health in our lives? Quite simply, by adding an ISO and NSF certified ionizer and filtration machine into our homes. By adding Enagic and Multipure’s machines into our homes we can filter out the harmful toxins and chemicals from our water, while turning it into alkaline molecular hydrogen. We can begin to bring our bodies to their natural state of homeostasis.

Molecular hydrogen allows your body to absorb water very quickly, which means now the hydrogen based water molecules can begin to scavenge for any free radicals in your body. The alkalinity of the water allows your body to restore and keep an average pH level of 7.40 which allows your body to work with you and not against you. So the question becomes, do you want to pay for your health now or illness later?

If you're curious to know what is in the water you’re now drinking, Growing Roots Wellness can run water reports per your request.

If you have ever felt that you are at your wits end in trying to figure out why you simply can’t obtain optimal health, or you want to add alkaline molecular hydrogen water into your life, then send us an email with the subject line of "Water". Learn about the alkaline molecular hydrogen water process and how it can enhance your water quality.

Email: [email protected]