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Natural Awakenings Milwaukee Magazine

5 Simple Fat-Burning Exercises by Donna Fit 4 Life

Mar 01, 2022 12:00AM ● By LaDonna Gladney
For anyone looking to tone up, increase energy or lose some extra pounds, here are five simple exercises you can do to burn extra calories. If unable to go to the gym, some of these exercises can be done at home.

Jumping jacks. Aim to complete 200 jacks in five minutes. Step jacks are a great modification for those looking to decrease pressure on the knees.

Jumping rope. Challenge yourself to four to five minutes of jumping rope. Insert mini-breaks to pause and breathe, then start again. Continue this way until time is up. For those who are unable to use a jump rope indoors, try jumping and moving the arms in the same motion as if there were a rope in one’s hands.

Bike riding. Ride a bike indoor or outdoor for about 20 to 45 minutes for three to five days per week.

Walking. Walk for 25 to 30 minutes. Step outside for fresh air, or use the incline feature on the treadmill as a way to burn even more calories. Challenge yourself and climb high.

Bonus. Funzersize by dancing! Create a playlist of five or six songs and dance away.

Moving for 30 minutes a day can make a big difference in helping us to feel great and stay active, especially when having fun. Remember to always have fun.

LaDonna Gladney, CPT, NDTR, and the owner of Donna Fit 4 Life LLC, is a registered nutrition and dietetic technician, as well as a certified fitness trainer. Born and raised in Milwaukee, her passion is to help the community become healthy through nutrition and fitness. For more information, call 414-793-5086 or visit