Sleepy Scents
Jun 30, 2021 08:30AM ● By Ronica O’Hara
The scents of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome can still be used today to induce deep, restful slumber. “A scent of an essential oil reaches the brain within seconds and activates the hypothalamus, the hormonal control center. It then releases hormones promoting sleep,” says Milana Perepyolkina, Salt Lake City author of Gypsy Energy Secrets. Some doze-inducing essential oils advised by aromatherapists include:
- Lavender to improve sleep quality
- Valerian to fall asleep faster
- Bergamot, which lowers heart rate
- Clary sage, a natural sedative
- Petitgrain to ease restlessness
- Marjoram to soothe the mind
“Put a couple of drops of the above essential oils on your palms, rub them together, cup your nose and breathe in to the count of four. Then hold your breath to the count of two. Breathe out to the count of eight. Hold your breath again to the count of two. Repeat for several minutes. You will fall asleep fast and have a deep and restful sleep,” advises Perepyolkina, adding, “Always choose only therapeutic-grade essential oils.”

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