Letter from Publisher

I love beginnings. If I were in charge of
calendars, every day would be January 1. ~Jerry Spinelli
It is with fondness that I reflect upon Spinelli’s words. The turn of a new year is like a blank page to the writer, a new canvas to the artist, a first step on the trail to the runner or fresh powder to the downhill skier. A new year welcomes opportunity for change, growth, reflection and remembrance.
The page has officially been turned on the 2020 chapter of our lives. Through the adversity we faced, we have also grown. Through the challenges, we have persevered. Through loss, we have found love and hope. Although our lives will never be the same with everything this past year has thrown at us, here we are.
I admit, there were times I wanted to toss the whole year right out the window. Yet this life is the only one we have, and time is a most precious thing. If we continue to focus on life in 2020 through a darkened lens, our whole worldview can easily become clouded and gray. Instead, I believe that it is okay for us to rest, take a breath and take a break. The whole world is feeling this weight. As a good friend of mine often reminds me, “Choose the path of love.” With that in mind, I hope we can all find hope, forgiveness, kindness and a touch of optimism as we navigate these foreign waters of time. 2021 is a fresh new start to embrace the little things such as a warm meal, loved ones, and the many opportunities that we do have to stay healthy and happy right here in our community.
This January, Natural Awakenings brings Milwaukee a plethora of health and wellness ideas to keep you mentally and physically well. We offer insight to keep our kids healthy from a holistic perspective in our Healthy Kids department, and we divulge tips for living a healthy lifestyle on a budget in the article “Frugal Wellness.” Our Conscious Eating article explores ways to lose weight the healthy way, and our Fit Body department reveals workout trends that will keep us on track during these changing times. In our feature article, we share the latest on the integration of holistic health in hospitals, which is key to treating the whole person as opposed to just symptoms. Better health outcomes occur when we move past just “treating disease” and, instead, focus upstream and take actions toward creating a healthy life, preventing illness in the first place. We also share insight from many local health providers who weigh in on these topics and more.
Whatever 2021 has in store for you, Natural Awakenings wishes you a wonderful new year. We hope that you find peace, strength, love and good health.
Stay well, Milwaukee.
Jordan Peschek, RN-BSN