Have Fun with the Animal Doctor at Jammin’ on Janesville

The Animal Doctor Holistic Veterinary Complex is participating in a Muskego Chamber of Commerce event, Jammin’ on Janesville, from 5 to 10 p.m. on the first Friday of June, July and August. The family-friendly event promises fun, personal and interactive opportunities to engage with representatives of the city of Muskego and area companies, as well as $1 menu items and live music. The Animal Doctor booth will host a Beatles tribute band, The Mania, and will distribute temporary animal tattoos to children.
The Animal Doctor will be joined by other organizations that help or serve the needs of animals. Sharing the booth is Pets For Vets, a program dedicated to supporting veterans and providing a second chance for shelter pets by rescuing, training and pairing them with veterans that could benefit from a companion animal. Also attending each month is Acres of Hope and Aspirations, a professionally staffed, brain-injury rehabilitation home in a farm setting.
In June and July, Stella & Chewy’s, producers of raw and freeze-dried foods for dogs and cats, will participate. In June and August, For Pet’s Sake Dog Training, a reward-based training method, will appear.
Location: along Janesville Rd., between Pioneer Dr. and Moorland Rd., in Muskego. For more information, call 414-422-1300, email [email protected] or visit AnimalDoctorMuskego.com/events/Jammin-on-Janesville. For a map, visit Muskego.org/pages/JamminOnJanesville.