Transition Milwaukee’s Power Down Week

Transition Milwaukee is planning the third annual Power Down Week, from July 7 to 15. This is a week when Milwaukeeans are challenged to examine their personal energy consumption and attempt to reduce it. A game and stay-cation in one, unplugged events are planned and advertised to encourage people to do more with less. The week gives residents a reason to pause and consider the energy they are using on a daily basis and how disconnected from the community they may have become while immersed in the digital world. High energy prices and economic instability can be reasons for people to slow down and reconnect with their families and community, building a safety net in case of major disasters.
“By simply spending more time outside and with people, individuals are able to re-evaluate what is important in life,” comments Transition Milwaukee member Natalie Berland. Primarily community-led and completely grassroots, activities are located throughout Milwaukee and participation fees vary.
For more information, call 612-432-3050, email [email protected] or visit or