New Book Promotes Understanding of Oriental Medicine

A newly released book, Oriental Medicine & You: Making a Seemingly Complex 3,500-Year-Old Medicine Understandable for the Layperson, is a translation of ancient Chinese medical theory into layman’s contemporary English terminology. Based upon texts used to train acupuncture professionals and the successful experiences of thousands of patients, it is intended as a condition-specific, solution-oriented guide to acupuncture and Oriental medicine.
Oriental medicine, initially passed on via oral tradition and then written word, has developed over several thousand years into a comprehensive medical system. According to author Curry D. Chadoir, a diplomate in acupuncture and owner of Acupuncture and Holistic Health Associates, in Glendale, only 1.4 percent of the U.S. population, or just more than 4 million people, use acupuncture, compared to 28 percent, or 2 billion people, worldwide. His goal through this work is to foster understanding of this gentle medicine.
“Using acupuncture and Oriental medicine could change your life forever,” says Chadoir. “Many people suffer needlessly with conditions that acupuncture and Oriental medicine often treat effortlessly.”
Oriental Medicine and You is available through and select bookstores. The book is also available at a 30 percent discount at the Acupuncture and Holistic Health Associates clinic, 500 W. Silver Spring Dr., Ste. K-205, Glendale 53217. For information, contact Chadoir at 414-332-8888 or [email protected] or visit