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Natural Awakenings Milwaukee Magazine

Busy Person's Retreat

What if there were a way to achieve the benefits of a retreat in the midst of our busy lives? A “Busy Person’s Retreat” is such an opportunity.

Don’t you just want to get away for some quiet time of reflection and self-care but the needs of our families and the demands of our jobs take priority? What if there were a way to achieve the benefits of a retreat in the midst of our busy lives? A “Busy Person’s Retreat” is such an opportunity. Using scripture, reflection and other prayer reflections, this Online Busy Person’s Retreat gives the participant an opportunity to create space in the midst of a daily, busy routine of life. By taking 20 minutes each day for 5 days, retreatants are invited into time for prayer and meditation to connect more deeply with their inner selves and the Divine. This retreat also includes a 50-minute session with one of APTB’s Spiritual Companions. Note: This retreat can be done at any time OR join others on this Busy Person’s Retreat during the week of September 25 - 29 and have the opportunity for daily community morning prayer/contemplation via Zoom.

Date & Time

Wee ly on Mon

Sep 04, 2023 through Dec 31, 2023


More Info

Virtual Event

Event Website


$50 per person

Religion & Spirituality retreat solitude quiet rest peace

Participating Businesses

A Place To Be Spirituality Center