DNA Hemp @ The 9th Annual Bike Blessing Benefit Ride!
Bike Blessing for Childhood Cancer. Saturday, July 29, 2023 8:30am Sheryl's Club 175 Slinger, WI

Bike Blessing for Childhood Cancer
Elevate with our HIGH VIBE TRIBE as we join forces with Sheryl's Club 175 and The Rockin Rev to come together as a community to Bless Bikes and Raise Proceeds for #MightyMax the Warrior!
Saturday, July 29, 2023 8:30am
Sheryl's Club 175 Slinger, WI
20$ per rider includes:
*bike blessing
*2 raffle tickets
*day activities
*after party
*Rockin good time
No bike no problem! Donations are welcome and are much appreciated, come out get a bite to eat and enjoy the day with us!
TONS of great raffle prizes up for grabs.
All proceeds will go directly to Max and his family.
Sheryl's club opens @9am Kickstands up @ Noon
Be amazed as you tour through the scenic kettle moraine hills while supporting your local friends, families, and communities.
"There's a superhero inside all of us, we just need the courage to put on the cape."
Our guest of honor this year is Max, and he wears a cape with the best of them! We believe he was born with is courage and that's why he is this years hero!
Max is the epitome of strength, he is a warrior and he will be victorious!
For more Information: https://dnahempllc.com/pages/high-vibe-tribe-events
Date & Time
July 29, 2023
More Info
$20 per Rider
Charities & Fundraisers dna hemp bike blessing childhood cancer mightymax sheryls club 175
Participating Businesses
DNA Hemp